The MHO Mission
Our mission is to ensure that all children have access to quality meals in undeserved communities.
About Us
Molding Heats.Org delivers hot food to schools, after school care sites, churches, community centers, parks, shelters, and more! Meals are completely FREE to ALL recipients, ALL year long. We provide nutritious foods that actually taste good.
Nutritious foods contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of children. Proper education isn’t possible without proper nutrition. Our services are currently available in the Greater Los Angeles area and the Counties of San Bernadino and Riverside.

What We Serve
Each day, we prepare nutritious Breakfast, Snack, Lunch & Supper made-to-order based on the pref-erence of each individual location.
Our meals are proportioned in line with the nutrition-al expectations of the USDA food pyramid guide. A consistent combination of these portion sizes are proven to stabilize hormones in children, provide clarity in their thinking and reduce violent tendency which is a resulting behavior of hunger (USDA).
Our Meal Components
8 ounces of milk
¾ cup of fresh fruit
¾ cup of grains
8 ounces of milk
2 ounces cooked meat
or meat alternative
¾ cup of grains
6 ounces of
100% fruit juice
1 serving (28 grams)
of a snack
¾ cup of fresh fruit
1 serving (28 grams)
of a snack
8 ounces of milk
¼ cup of fresh fruit
½ cup of fresh vegetables
¾ cup of grains
2 ounces cooked meat
or meat alternative